KiddieBoost - Children's herbal immune system tonic & antibiotic alternative
- Naturally strengthens immune functioning in children
- Promotes your child's natural resistance to illness
- Speeds up recovery from illness & helps to restore health
- Helps to break the 'antibiotic cycle' & repeated re-infection
- Reduces risk of infection during the cold and flu season ('creche syndrome')
KiddieBoost contains the following ingredients in our unique concentrated 100% herbal formula, manufactured according to Whole Herb Technology:
Echinacea purpurea, Astragalus membranaceous, Inula helenium, Withania somnifera, Ethanol (inactive ingredient)
Use one drop per age year of the child in approx. 1/4 glass of water or juice. Repeat two to three times daily.
Not recommended for children under one year old unless under medical supervision.
May be used together with Sniffly Sprinkles and Congesto-K Kiddie Rub to alleviate congestion during colds & 'flu
Please consult your doctor if symptoms persist.
Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.