About Us

Our company prides itself on helping people achieve healthy active lifestyles, promoting good nutrition and pro actively protecting one from negative elements in our environment. Our physiotherapy practice started in 2005 as part time and is now a fully fledged practice that not only deals with the physical importance of your body but the nutritional aspects as well. We felt the need to begin to sell products online with the hope of making it easier for people to place orders and process them with minimal turnaround time. We hope to increase of offering in our online store within the next few months. So look out for this space.

  • Address : 454 Aletta street, Erasmia, Tshwane, South Africa
  • Contact information :                                                                                           Cell  +27827614126                                                                                            www.amtex@telkomsa.net
  • You can find us on instagram and facebook                                                                                                                                                                      