Confidence - Pink ( Herbal formula for women)
Confidence - Pink ( Herbal formula for women)
Nature Nurture

Confidence - Pink ( Herbal formula for women)

Regular price R 220.00

This superb product contains 17 of the most pure and superb medicinal herbs mother nature has to offer, pertaining to the female reproductive and endocrine health.
It is said that as many as one in three women suffer from some type of female sickness. Many women have immensely benefited from this formula.
Common female illnesses which this formula targets, include the very common PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), as well as PMS (Pre-Menstrual Tension), Infertility, Fibroids, Acne / being overweight / Hirsutism (excessive hair growth due to hormonal imbalance, acidic environment, and a defective thyroid), hot flushes/fatigue/moodiness (drop in estrogen/progresterone levels due to menopause), irregular cycles (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea), Endometriosis (external uterus tissue) and similar problems.
1) BLACK COHOSH: Controls of the symptoms of hormonal imbalances, esp, depression, sleep deprivation, dryness, palpitations and night sweats.
2) RED CLOVER : Reduces symptoms of menopause and ovulation cessation, such as hot flashes and night sweats, because of its estrogen-like effects
3) Folic Acid: Boosts fertility and helps in ovulation. It also decreases the risk of birth defects.
4) ASHWAGANDHA : An adaptogen that reduces cortisol Levels, reduces stress and anxiety, and increase fertility
5) WHITE PEONY: Assists in menstrual cramps, PCOS, and unbearable PMS.
6) LICORICE ROOT: It has estrogenic effects, improves the fluidity of cervical mucus, detoxifies the liver, and curbs the excess production of prolactin and androgens associated with PCOS.
7) SHATARVADI : It tones and cleanses the uterus. It is also renowned as the foremost herb for the gynecological balancing of the female menstrual cycle. It cools the symptoms of inflammation during menstruation & menopause, increases fertility and reduces emotional irritability.
8) SANOOT (DILL): Removes excess gas and heat from the womb.
9) TURMERIC : Besides being the best anti-inflmmatory, it’s a is a mild uterine stimulant. It also reduces the effects of estrogen in some hormone-sensitive cancer cells.
10) FLAX SEEDS: Contains Flaxseed oil contains the following nutrients: Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, Lignans, B vitamins, Potassium, Fiber, Protein, and Plant estrogens that leads to healthier cell walls which are more able to fight infection.
11) WATER CRESS SEEDS: Especially beneficial for those wishing to fall pregnant, It’s the best PCOS-friendly superfood as it contains very little carbohydrates, so they don’t spike up insulin levels and safe for people with food allergies.
12) CHIA SEEDS: Excellent source of energy and weight-reducing agent. Tryptophan, an amino acid, can help your body produce serotonin which leads to feelings of calmness
13) SAW PALMETTO: Helps to prevent atrophy of uterine tissue which normally causes PCOS. It also metabolizes into dihydrotestosterone which inhibits cancers.
14) CHELATED IRON: Makes up for loss of blood due to heavy bleeding.
15) AMLA POWDER: Best source of Vit.C and regulater of menstrual cycle upon which conception and pregnancy is dependant. Also flushes out toxins.
16) MACA ROOT: Acts as a mild aphrodisiac, maintains bone density, balances the hormones and assists in the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, sleep disruptions, night sweats, and depression.
17) BLACK SEED KULUNJI: This is one of the most important herbs in this formulation. Kulunji plays an important role in gynecological disorders such as leucorrhoea (genitals observe yellowish, whitish and thick discharge, generally due to infection). It also overcomes frequent menses, and improves stamina. Kindly add mint leaves to make it more effective.
Directions :
The above should not be taken by pregnant women or those on diuretics. Simply take a teaspoon of this delicious formula with coconut oil or water every morning on an empty stomach, or it can be sprinkled in smoothies or cereals. Always consult your GP if not sure of anything.

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