Neem Leaf Fine Powder
Neem Leaf Fine Powder
Nature Nurture

Neem Leaf Fine Powder

Regular price R 150.00

Neem has been loved for it's miraculous medicinal values for the past 5000 years.

Large and full, the Neem tree or Azadirachta Indica, is an evergreen tree that is found just about everywhere in India. It is part of every indian home because of it's many healing powers.

Neem has been one of the most popular herbs of India and has 5000 years worth of tricks up its sleeve. Used for everything from toothpaste to ab insecticide, Neem is known as a virtual living pharmacy.

Neem has brought relief to an astounding number of ailments.

Here are just a few battles Neem has fought and won...enough for you to keep some close at hand in your herbal medicine cupboard:

Acne, Allergies, Eczema, Fungal Infections, Fever, Parasites, Arthritis, Athletes foot, Burns, Gingivitis, Hives, High blood pressure, Headache, Strengthening the immunity, Indigestion, Inflammation, Shingles, Viral infections

Neem is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayervedic usage.


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