A vogel Molkosan 200ml
Nature Nurture

A vogel Molkosan 200ml

Regular price R 179.00

Molkosan is a prebiotic food supplement; take it with your probiotic supplements to help improve digestion, regulate metabolism and improve all-round vitality. Molkosan is fresh whey concentrate (a by-product of cheese production), prepared according to a special lactofermentation process.

Usage of fresh whey (a by product of cheese production) as a health tonic is recorded as far back as 400BC when Hippocrates recommended it to his patients.

Renowned swiss naturopath, Alfred Vogel was greatly impressed by this refreshing drink's numerous health benefits. He recommended it for skin problems (diluted in water or added to coconut oil and applied topically), digestive disorders, sore throats, laryngitis and as a pancreas tonic (not clinically confirmed by controlled scientific studies)


Molkosan has a unique sour taste. While it may be taken at any time, A Vogel recommended drinking a teaspoonful (or 1 tablespoon if desired) in a glass of water, juice or even a smoothie, 20 minutes before meals. Can be taken 3-4 times per day.

After opening, store in the fridge. Product keeps for 6 months if stored in the fridge.


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